Parish Bulletin-October 13th 2024 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Vocation of Marriage

It was such a gift to have Archbishop Coyne with us recently.  It was especially joyful to see him bestow a blessing on those celebrating their marriage.  His presence and our readings from last Sunday prompt us to reflect on the meaning of marriage.  This week and for the next few following, different aspects of the vocation of marriage will be shared.  The series will culminate in a list of resources for hoping to explore these topics more deeply.

When the Catholic Church teaches that marriage is a Christian vocation it is saying that the couple's relationship is more than simply their choice, but a choice that involves a call from God and a response from a man and a woman who promise to build, with the help of divine grace, a lifelong, faithful and sacramental partnership of love and life.

The Second Vatican Council teaches that "all Christians in whatever state or walk of life are called to the fullness of Christian life and to the perfection of charity" (Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, n. 40). The call to marriage is a particular way of living the universal call to holiness given to every Christian in the sacrament of baptism. The calls to ordained ministry or to the vowed religious life are other Christian vocations. Along with marriage, all of them are a response to the Lord who says, "Follow me."

The call to love is "the fundamental and innate vocation of every human being" (Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 1603). In the vocation of marriage, something which "is written in the very nature of man and woman" (n. 1603), we see that "the love of husband and wife becomes an image of the absolute and unfailing love with which God loves" (n. 1604).

The vocation to marriage is a call to a life of holiness and service within the couple's own relationship and in their family. As a particular way of following the Lord, this vocation also challenges a couple to live their marriage in a way that expresses God's truth and love in the world.

Please join us during Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Monday, October 21st at 5:00pm.   Together as a community we will recite the Joyful Mysteries and lift our voices together as we pray for the vocation of marriage.

Pancake & Eggs Breakfast

Date: October 20, 2024

Location: Great Hall

Time: After both 8:15 & 10:30 Mass

Saint Francis Borgia


Feast day: October 10th

“Many who are first will be last; and the last will be first.” Matthew 19:30

Francis was a duke, a wealthy man with land, servants, and power. But when his wife died, Francis surprised everyone by passing his titles on to his son. He dedicated the rest of his life to Jesus by becoming a priest. When he entered the priesthood, he began at the very lowest position in the community. He had been “first” as a duke, but now he was “last”. He was charged with gathering and washing the dishes of the other priests. Ut Francis, who had been served by his servants for his whole life, was so clumsy with the dishes and trays of food that he often had to apologize to the other priests. But he never complained. For Francis, giving up his wealth and his title was the best gif he could think of to give to Jesus.

Prayer: Jesus, Saint Francis Borgia chose to be last. Help me do the same.

Saint Francis Borgia, pray for us.

Saint Therese Parish Family

Our Lady’s Rosary The Month of October

October 19 at 12:00pm we will be meeting at the green in Granby to pray the rosary

All are welcome to join our Parish Choir. Join us for practice, weekly.

Location: Main Church

Time: 7:00PM on Thursdays

Senior High

Flashlight Corn Maze

Date: Saturday, October 26th

Time: 4:45 p.m. for Mass; Event begins immediately after Mass and ends around 9 p.m.

Venue: Brown's Harvest, departing from St. Catherine of Siena after Mass

We have one remaining ticket for this fun evening event. Please dress in layers for the outdoor maze and send in your $8 payment as soon as possible. Parent drivers are needed, and volunteers are free. Register to attend using this link:

Teen Volunteers Needed

We need 12 teens to help deliver handmade gifts to senior parishioners across all 3 parishes before Halloween. It’s a great way to earn Confirmation Service Hours and bring joy to others. If you can help, please sign up using this link:

Junior High

Wednesday, October 23 – Cooking and Baking

6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. at St. Catherine of Siena. Help cook and bake meals for local families in need. Parent volunteers are welcome.

Born of Water and Spirit: Understanding Baptism

Today, I invite you to reflect on the Gospel of John 3:1-21, which tells the story of Nicodemus, a Pharisee, and his encounter with Jesus. This passage is key to understanding the importance of Baptism as a means to enter the Kingdom of God.

Nicodemus comes to Jesus at night, searching for truth, but is confused by Jesus' teaching on being "born again." Jesus explains that in order to see the Kingdom of God, one must be “born from above,” meaning to be born of water and Spirit. While Nicodemus misinterprets Jesus’ words, thinking it refers to being physically reborn, Jesus speaks of a spiritual rebirth through Baptism.

In this sacrament, the Holy Spirit brings new life, transforming us. The Greek word pneuma, meaning both wind and spirit, further illustrates the mysterious yet vital nature of the Spirit in our lives. Just as air sustains our physical life, the Spirit sustains our spiritual life, giving us faith and animating us to live in communion with God.

When we are baptized, we are born from above, cleansed by water, and filled with the Holy Spirit, opening the door to eternal life in God’s Kingdom.

The Sanctuary Candle burns for Virginia Michaud in the Chapel

A special Mass to honor all who have passed will be held on Saturday, November 23, at St. Therese Parish. Please call the office to provide the names of loved ones you would like to be remembered during this service.

For our next Holy Hike we will meet on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27th @ 1:30 p.m. The hike will be at Goddard Preserve located on Donahue Rd (off of Mountain Rd) in North Granby. The hike is approx. 2 miles and a very peaceful trail through the woods)

Take some time for spiritual renewal at the annual St. Therese Men’s Retreat at Holy Family Retreat House. Open to men of all ages, this weekend retreat provides a quiet, reflective environment where you can step away from the noise of everyday life and find fellowship with a great group of men. This year's theme, "In My Love, Abide," will guide discussions and reflections, focusing on living a life rooted in God’s enduring love. Whether you actively join in or simply listen and reflect, the retreat promises a time of peace, personal growth, and spiritual enrichment. Flyers are available at the church entrances, and you can find more information online.

Date: January 10-12, 2025

Location: Holy Family Retreat House, West Hartford

Contact: Pete Jalbert at 860-653-7187 or

22nd Annual Linens Collection

Will be on October 12th & 13th, Columbus Day weekend. The Hartford Catholic Worker House on Clark Street, is in the north end of Hartford. The people they serve can use your gently-used sheets, blankets, towels & kitchen towels For more information please call

Johanna Audolensky-(860)653-7682