Youth Ministry
Senior Events
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15th from 5:30-8 p.m. at St. Catherine of Siena’s Russell Hall. You won’t want to miss this Christmas Party/Service Project, but you must sign up for this event. Pizza will be served, followed by some crazy games, and more. Be prepared for anything!!! Parent volunteers needed! Please plan to bring an item to contribute to the Brian O’Connell Homeless Project listed in our sign up. Sign up here and invite a friend too:
BOSTON MISSION TRIP reminder that all teen applications are due in their entirety on Monday, January 6. Please drop off your application, your personal service auction item flyer (and send over your electronic copy) and your deposit of $100 to the Youth Ministry Office at St. Catherine of Siena. Checks should be made payable to St. Catherine of Siena and the memo section should read Boston Mission Trip.
SAVE THE DATE: SUNDAY, JANUARY 12th from 6-8 p.m.—DODGEBALL at St. Mary’s parish. Pizza will be served.
2025 Winter/Spring Calendars available in the Atrium and Vestibule.
Junior Events
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18th—COOK AND BAKE from 6-8 p.m. at St. Catherine of Siena’s Russell Hall. Please join us this evening as we prepare full course dinners for local families. No experience needed! We provide the recipes, ingredients and step-by-step instructions. PARENT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED AND WELCOME! Invite a friend to join us too. Please sign up using this link:
SAVE THE DATE: MONDAY, JANUARY 6 from 6-8 p.m. at St. Catherine of Siena’s Russell Hall for our MINUTE-TO-WIN-IT game night. Be prepared for anything!
2025 Winter/Spring Calendars available in the Atrium and Vestibule.
Please be sure to follow us on Instagram at stcatherine_youthministry